Pimax Crystal Super or Dream Air?
Which one of these are you all planning to buy?
Currently my decision between The Pimax Crystal Super and Pimax Dream Air got a little more complicated after testing out my kiwi pulley system with my Quest 3 and Link cable since I’m not sure how well the Crystal Super’s cable will do in a pulley.
My Crystal light cable is the size of an HDMI cable and I’m not sure it’ll do well in tight turns.
In a video about the Dream Air Jaap Grolleman stated that Both the Dream Air and Crystal Super have different use cases like the Crystal super being better for sitting down in a chair.
Meanwhile the Dream Air might be able to do pretty much everything which is a great deal for a small $2000 vr headset.
Hopefully Pimax is working on a wireless adapter for the Crystal Super and Making the Dream Air Lenses an improvement over the BigScreen beyond’s.