Studio cleaning responsibilities

I've joined a new studio and the cleaning responsibilities started out pretty standard. Clean up your wheel and bench after yourself, mop very well and don't leave a mess in the common sink areas. Some items get missed occasionally as you do but it's never more than I'd expect in a busy space.

However the studio hosts many classes and the glaze room and sinks show the use. Now members are being asked to do more cleaning in the common areas including moving heavy shelves and tables. We pay for our time in the studio. We are constantly being berated by email and aggressive signs to follow thru. I asked the owner if members were the problem and she said no, but it's not her responsibility either. I think it is.

My last studio it was the instructors responsibility to clean after class and the entire studio was deep cleaned weekly by the owner and a janitor on contract. I don't believe this studio has any deep cleaning at all.

What is reasonable to ask members to do in a shared member and class space?