two questions: 1. use google drive as complete backup 2. backup without cloud system
hello, i have two questions:
is it possible to sync my complete folder structure automatically with google drive (if i have a connect subscription)? i.e. i would like to sync “my files” and all subfolders on the remarkable with google drive - without using the remarkable cloud. or do i have to backup each file individually in the google cloud?
if i don't use a cloud system at all, then it still synchronizes between the remarkable tablet, the remarkable mobile app and the desktop app, right? do i need a cloud at all? the backup from device (tablet <=> smart phone <=> laptop) also works somehow automatically, right? at least i always have all files available in every remarkable app - without having a connect abo. at least that works quite well for me right now, so i wonder what benefit the cloud brings me. if i lose the tablet, do i still have the backup on the smartphone, for example?
thanks for your input!