Covid destroyed the world

Sorry to vent but honestly, and I'm sure this has already been posted a million times in a million places, Covid and whatever/whomever is to blame, f***** this world, especially medicine.

NOTHING IS THE SAME. This entire planet sucks. Even my family has changed. My friends, all different. Stores, changed. Hospitals, changed. Staff, disgruntled. Everyone, jaded. Music, gross. Movies, suck. Internet, disgusting. Everything, censored. I blame Covid. Honestly. the world shut down. everyone stuck at home. everyone got totally f****. and us? stuck in the hospitals with a complete mindf*** of patient spectrums, either people dying or nobody at all? It was f**** this entire planet got a hard reset but a bad one. I wish we could go back in time and not have Covid. End rant. Thank you.