Dead end corridors
It seems like is iMark is flashing between retrieving memories from oMark and iMark in the same way that Petey did at this point. And with that botched job of attempting to reintegrate Mark that Reghabi did, who knows if he is going to be reintegrated totally any time soon. It seems like he is retrieving memories from oMark and iMark depending on his circumstances, setting, emotions, etc., which makes sense because that's how memories are stored and retrieved IRL. When Mark was intimate with with Helena, he pulled his memoires of his wife for a brief moment. When the brain recalls long term memories, it uses retrieval cues (like a familiar smell, sound, emotion, setting etc) to locate and bring the memory back into conscious awareness.
What I'm excited to see is when Mark is on the severed floor if from his POV we will still see dead end corridors. Because I don't think that those actually exist and those are due to the programming on the chip altering the perception of the Innies.
But I am now worried that the Innies are not actually just being switched from one set of stored memories to another. It seems like there may be some type of interactive code that may be running once they are switched to Innie mode. "Glassglow block" sounds like it blocks that code from running. If this is not the case then Helena would have just been switched from Helena to iHelly.
I want to see the numbers on the monitors from Mark's new POV also. I think that the programming on the chips alters their perception and that this is why they see numbers on their monitors. There is a translations script that translates images, videos or phrases to numeric equivalents and that is what they see. A humans subconscious is the one thing that Lumon cannot artificially recreate and so this is why they need the MDR department. They can use comatose patients and organ transplants to create new life but what they cannot recreate self awareness.
If rMark gives himself away, I wonder what Lumon will do? What can they do and still have him be able to complete Cold Harbor? From their list of protocols, it seems like Lumon is well able to reset someone. And having those protocols, along with all of the checks that Lumon seems to have in place to make sure that the Innie aren't having memory bleeds points to the fact that Severance is not, in fact, irreversible. The first thing the Innie hears is the Outie telling them that the procedure is irreversible, probably as a deterrent to both the outie and innie trying to circumvent the chip, ie, don't bother trying; it's irreversible. And the board refuses to even enter a conversation with Cobel that if is irreversible because they already know that it is.