Is anyone else really just angry at the implications of the latest holo-movie about House Mo'Kai?

I mean I watch holo-movies because I want to be inspired, I need bright optimistic (some might even say utopian) stories about how us Klingon can become more evolved, united and perform incredible violence with just a simple bath'leth on every single alien species in the galaxy.

And what do they give us?

A holo-movie centered around House Mo'Kai of all Klingons!!!

I felt insulted give that the primary justification presented in the movie was:

For Klingons to be able to fight with bladed weapons, scream about honor and get drunk as is our Hur'q given rights somebody has to:

  • Fight from a distance with weapons that are not basically knives
  • Actually think about outcomes instead of choosing violence
  • Use words instead of fists
  • Collaborate with alien races
  • Do science
  • Do exploring
  • Have a job outside outside of warrior and lawyer
  • Use stealth instead of rushing in
  • Choose actions that benefit society as whole and not an individuals honor score

As a true Kahless fearing pink-blooded Klingon I was disgusted to my core, I needed to listen to 10 operas just so I could get angry enough and start a brawl like a proper Klingon citizen.

And don't give me targshit about warriors needing spies we have Klingon Intelligence as a spy organization with honorable oversight, House Mo'Kai has no reason to exist and their continued use in holo-movies make clone Kahless cry.