Tyranid operations feel so much harder than chaos ones
-A million small enemies that ensure you cannot have any reprieve whatsoever at any point
-Mid tier enemies that gang up on you in melee and are damage sponges
-Lethal snipers that throw area denial, bombs, poison and high damage shots
-Fucking neurothrope and the little paired ones, GIGANTIC piece of shit to fight, you can barley reach it with melee, a billion health, SPAMS aoe constantly, buffs mobs
-Human cultists run around and do nothing, sometimes they shoot for low damage
-Little demons are annoying but its way less of them
-Chaos space marines with gun get bodied if you go melee on them
-The ones with fire are easily dodgeable and dont do much else
-Terminators are more of a bitch to fight but they dont have that much health
-THE FUCKERS WITH THE DISKS are absolute ass tho, but thats the only bad part about chaos
-Id rather fight 10 helbrutes at once than even so much as look upon a neurothrope