I just finished Oathbringer. I am speechless. (SPOILERS)

Once again, there are spoilers in this text, so don't read this if you haven't read the book because I wouldn't want to deprive you of this absolutely beautiful journey.

Also very minor spoilers for Mistborn and Warbreaker.

In my last post, I mentioned how I had a really hard time getting into the first 2 parts of the book because it felt relatively slow to me compared to the Way of Kings and Words of Radiance, but this book picked up its pace like no other. It was absolutely unreal. The last 3 parts were absolutely stunning, I couldn't stop reading. I blasted through the entirety of part 5 in 1 day which it's about 200 pages, the last time I've done something like that was with Hero of Ages a few months back. This was one of the best Sanderlanches I've had the pleasure of reading thusfar.

So let's go over some things I liked, starting with, of course, Dalinar Kholin. Storms, what a character! I mean, he has had such a beautiful arc these 3 books and I couldn't be happier with how his character is turning out, and I am really excited about how he is going to continue in the fourth and eventually the fifth book. The "You cannot have my pain" scene sent shivers down my spine and had me physically trembling. His entire clash with Odium was just perfection. I even cried a little when Evi's voice spoke to him in his head, forgiving him, and I usually don't cry a lot with books, so that's a testament to how extremely well Dalinar is written and portrayed here.

It's dazzling (and daunting) to look back on the Battle of Thaylen, to be honest. Every character had their own little moments of glory, from Kaladin fighting Amaram, to Shallan weaving thousands of illusions and making peace with Veil and Radiant, to Adolin trying to find a place in a world suddenly littered with deities, to even smaller, more minor characters, like Renarin and Jasnah having such epic moments together. Even Teft and Szeth both got their respective flash of pure excitement, with Teft becoming a Knight Radiant and bringing Bridge Four to Thaylen, and Szeth pledging to Dalinar, saving Lift by cutting a thunderclast in two with Nightblood.. both moments reminded me of Thor's entrance from Avengers Infinity War to be honest, and that's a compliment!

There is so much to talk about here, and I'm sure I'm missing things in the excitement of it all. So, if you want to know my reactions to specific moments not listed here, please feel free to ask.

Also, I understood 0 of what happened with Hoid in the epilogue. He has Investiture, which doesn't seem crazy since he seems to be going around the Cosmere collecting powers (Like swallowing Mistborn-making metal in Secret History) but now he's collected a spren from the Royal Palice like what?? RAFO probably but still thought it worth noting.

What a book. What a journey. This series is getting better with each book, and I loved how everything I read so far was woven together here, like an intricate web of stories, whilst leaving the door WIDE open for more. I've barely scratched the surface of my thoughts on Oathbringer, but this post is getting too long, so again, feel free to ask. I'm going to bed lol.