How Subliminals work (for Newbies, Beginners, and Non-believers)
ð§ðĩðē ðĶððŊð°ðžðŧðð°ðķðžðð ð ðķðŧðą
The subconscious mind is the part of our mind that controls what we're precieving, thinking, feeling, and doing at all times. It determines everything. That's because 95% of our psychological and behavioural patterns are ran on autopilot.
Autopliot occurs when we are doing and thinking without being conscious about it. It is the reason why so many people struggle with breaking habits.
ðŠðĩð ððŪðŊðķðð ðŪðŋðē ððž ðąðķðģðģðķð°ððđð ððž ðŊðŋðēðŪðļ
Habits are hard to break because they are repeated on a subconscious level. We fail to make long-term changes because we are using our conscious mind, which is only active 5% of the time.
Until you change the programming running in your subconscious mind, you will continue repeating psychological and behavioral patterns to reaffirm these preexisting beliefs that are implanted deep within your subconscious belief system.
ðŠðĩð ððžðŧðð°ðķðžðð ððģðģðķðŋðšðķðŧðī ð°ðŪðŧ ðŊðē ð―ðŋðžðŊðđðēðšðŪððķð°
Consciously entertaining affirmations will not always work and that's because the conscious mind is the logical reasoning part of our mind. It's the barrier to what enters the subconscious mind. Your conscious mind at this very moment is projecting the beliefs hidden deep within your subconscious mind. You cannot consciously believe in something without subconsciously believing it.
So if you tell yourself "I am happy", your conscious mind will say "No, I am not". That's because you have subconscious beliefs that are active 95% of the time, and since your conscious mind is a reflection of your subconscious programs, it will go off these beliefs.
Not only that, but your conscious mind is logical whereas your subconscious is not.
ðŽðžð ð°ðŪðŧ'ð ðŋðēð·ðēð°ð ððžðšðēððĩðķðŧðī ððĩðŪð ðķððŧ'ð ð°ðžðŧðð°ðķðžðððđð ð―ðŋðēððēðŧð
Children under the age of 6 - 7 are so easy to convince because they learn through the subconscious mind. You can tell them anything and they will believe you because they aren't conscious about the information.
So if you tell a child "Santa Clause is real" then that child will believe you. The child believes Santa Clause is real because they don't have the conscious mind interfering with this information, and that's why we must be careful with our words whenever we're around children. This is how our core beliefs came to exist.
ð ðēððĩðžðą ððž ð°ðĩðŪðŧðīðķðŧðī ðĶððŊð°ðžðŧðð°ðķðžðð ðĢðŋðžðīðŋðŪðšðšðķðŧðī
Luckly, there's a way to change the programming of your subconscious mind using a tool called Subliminal Messaging. With subliminals (not to confuse with affirmation tapes), we are bypassing conscious awareness and sending affirmations to our subconscious mind. Because the affirmations are bypassing conscious awareness, reasoning is no longer in the way.
So when you're listening to the subliminaI audio, you are creating a psychological pattern of thoughts that exhibit into long-term memory through repetition. This is important because long-term memory allows us to memorize and remember information with less effort. That's how we learned our alphabets and made words out of these letters.
ðŠðĩð ðķð'ð ðŪ ðīðžðžðą ððĩðķðŧðī
Can you imagine subconsciously believing how amazing and worthy you are by using subliminals? Not only will it be so easy and effortless, but that will influence you via autopliot.
Since autopliot occurs 95% the time, you can start subconsciously entertaining patterns you do want. It's truly that simple.
ðŠðĩðŪð ððžð ðĩðŪððē ððž ðąðž
Find a subliminaI topic that you'd like to reprogram your subconscious mind with and listen to it every day and night for atleast 30 days. It takes a minimum of 30 days to reprogram your subconscious mind.
Some people need more time because the beliefs they're trying to change are deeply enrooted. So if you've been listening for over 30 days and have not noticed any changes, continue listening.
ððŧ-ðąðēð―ððĩ ðžðŧ ðĶððŊðđðķðšðķðŧðŪðđð ðŪðŧðą ðĩðžð ððĩðēð ððžðŋðļ
When you first start listening to your subliminaI, the affirmations will be filtered out through a psychological process called Sensory Gating. This occurs because the information is irrelevant, so it gets filtered out as short-term memory. Since the subliminaI affirmations are filtered out, you will need repetition and lots of it.
The more your subconscious "knows" something is true, the more repetition is required for it to believe the opposite. So as you continue listening to your subliminaI, the hippocampus of your brain will start to become more active.
This creates a psychological effect because the affirmations are forming into thought patterns, which eventually exhbit into long-term memory as your psychological patterns continue changing. Once you've been consistent with the subliminaI, those affirmations end up getting accepted by your subconscious mind.
Now you'll believe the affirmations to be true, and that's because it became long-term memory. Since it's now long-term memory, you find it easy to remember, making it easier to understand, which leads to it becoming easier to believe. This is how subliminals work.
Subliminals are amazing tools that I believe will benefit everyone who gets their hands on them. It's unfortunate how they're precieved by society because so many people could be using subliminals to get rid of negative programming that takes control of their daily lives. I believe if people get a better understanding with subliminals, more and more people will have the courage to test them out and get complete control of their lives back.
Do you want to be happy and enjoy life, or do you want to continue repeating unwanted patterns and perceptions of life. If not, what are you waiting for? Start using subliminals now so you can make the changes you've been looking for. You can achieve anything you want if your subconscious supports it.