After Reaching Gold and Plat I’ve Found Much More Sucess Switching to Zed
I love talon and he’s been my main for a long time but he’s weak and dated , playing him feels like you have to play better than everyone else for the same result.Even when youre 8/0 you have to be careful of 2/8 shieldbow windshitters and 1v2s. Any mage with a straight line cc is completely safe from him in lane as they can just hold it to cancel his q, getting rid of his gap close passive stack electrocute everything. Just turning him into a minion. I mainly started picking Zed up because he’s a way better blind pick when you don’t have pick order advantage but he really feels like free elo. Playing Zed feels like you just win fights by default, you either chunk them and they can’t fight back, or you chunk them and you can go in if they’re killable. Even if you don’t get any kills and have good cs u will be effective. With the cdr build you can not just kill one person but chunk thier whole team with multiple blinks and double triple qs. I started maining Zed/Asol and feel I win way way more often then if I played other Champs