“No virtual options this year. Looking forward to it being as normal as possible.”

This was the response from my supervisor about returning to school. We start back tomorrow. There is no mask mandate but masks are “high encouraged”, no contact tracing records, vaccines are “highly encouraged” for staff and students who can get them. I work with PreK in one of the biggest school districts in my state with over 15,000 students.

I’m done. I cannot be part of this madness anymore. I am not a hero, and I am not your martyr. Fuck right off.

Edit: as of 2pm today, the district is now mandating masks regardless of vaccination status. One day before we start back.

Edit edit: I also forgot to mention that I virtually taught PreK kids ALL YEAR last year - from start to finish. Was it pretty? Helllll noooo, but 100% safe.