Playing against bad opponents is as important as playing against opponents better than you

Let me preface this by saying I play this game alot (1.3k+ hours). I have a couple of GoDs and multiple TGSs.
A very common topic that comes into conversation is how playing against better opponents helps you improve. A statement that is entirely, true. It helps break bad habits and enforces a more thoughtful approach to situations ingame.

However what is very often criminally ignored is how much you can improve when playing against opponents that are bad or better known as "spammers".
These opponents might overly rely on gimmicks or flowcharts that will blow you up if you are not experienced.
And that is fine. What is important is learning exactly what you lost to and how you can beat it.

When playing against these people there are 2 approaches:
1. Outspamming them since their defense is non existent( Best for climbing)

or 2. Prioritizing blocking and punishing/stepping/interrupting their offense.

If you choose the 2nd option you will lose. Alot. And you will keep losing until eventually you grow accustomed to the flowcharts and streamlined offense.

But why is this important ? Because even in the top ranks niche moves and flowcharts are still used. Except they are used very unpredictably and sparingly. Making it very hard to deal with even if you know what is coming, and completely impossible if you havent built the muscle memory from people overusing said moves.

In short: People will not stop using gimmicks and flowcharts. So its best to learn them from opponents that overuse them instead of getting blindsided on your Tekken God promo