Vitamin D causing regrowth, but falls out with irritation
I started taking 10,000 IU to correct a pretty bad vitamin D deficiency back in like November. By around mid-January my "bald" spot on my crown started to fill in. Then when it reached around mid-March, it looked like it was almost completely filled in, and the "bald" spot was starting to go away. But then in late March, my scalp randomly got really irritated and itchy, and as of now, I lost almost all of my progress.
I've noticed that more hairs shed whenever my scalp is also really irritated, and vice versa. Could this be because of new hair growth pushing out old hairs and causing itching? Or is this just a common TE symptom? I've heard that hair loss can actually be a sign of TE ending because new hairs are pushing out the old ones.
I did use minoxidil for like 1 month in December and then had to stop because it was causing bad dry flakes. But when I showed a picture of my "bald" spot to my dermatologist comparing a picture from December to January, she said the results are way too good to be from the minoxidil, since minoxidil takes many months to show any progress, and she thinks it was the vitamin D supplements that caused the temporary regrowth. I stopped taking them for about 4-5 days around the time my progress started falling out, and she said losing the regrowth was likely because of that.
Has anyone else experienced any of this stuff too? I don't want to keep taking 10,000 IU because my vitamin D deficiency is probably gone by now.
For reference, in the first picture, the red spot with the black string coming out of it is the scalp biopsy site. It came out negative for AGA, but positive for TE.