Main-line Pokemon games and most of their spinoffs are bad.

I grew up in the Red/Blue craze and now I'm 30+. I can't go back to these games. The only THREE that I'm somewhat interested in playing is Pokemon Pinball, Pokemon Pinball Ruby/Sapphire, and Pokemon Trading Card Game for GBC. That is out of the 100+(?) Pokemon games that there are. I might sit down and play Pokken Tournament. But do you see how completely different these games are from the core gameplay of main-line games.

The main-line games drags you through the terrible story and makes you fight countless easy trainers. 1 on 1 battles are boring. Just tap the A button. It's no wonder people have to make rom hacks and play them in emulators. They don't respect your time. Mind-numbingly a grind of going from area to area pressing A to select the first option. Not to mention the amount of hoops they make you jump through to obtain specific Pokemon you might want. I imagine any online battles you play people have just cheated for their Pokemon.

I understand I'm a grown adult and these games are made for kids, but I wouldn't introduce a child to these games. There are much better games that offer action/adventure/strategy and the use of one's intelligence. Now the games are even worse suffering from technical issues.