Educated Women now outnumber Educated Men, but still Refuse to "Marry Down"

Women now outnumber men on university campuses, and single, childless women out earn their male counterparts. In fact, as author Liza Mundy writes in her book, The Richer Sex, Millennial women are increasingly finding two options when it comes to romance: marry down or don’t marry. “There needs to be a cognitive behavior change in what are [considered] important traits,” says Mundy. “I talk to so many women who are obsessed with finding men on their level or above. They want someone as ambitious, engaged, and high-achieving as they are. They maybe need to rethink that to seek a partner who is supportive, rather than competitive.”

For one, it’s not as if we are holding out for Jake Gyllenhaal, but we do have certain non-negotiable expectations for potential mates that include college degrees and white-collar jobs. Life has always gone according to our plans, so why wouldn’t we land a man with these (reasonable) requirements? This unwillingness to settle for less than we think we deserve is joined by a lax attitude towards searching for potential mates. We’re busy dominating the world. 


When you "empower" a woman, you decrease her chances of getting married as the pool of men she finds attractive gets smaller and smaller.

When you "empower" a man, you not only increase his chances of getting married but you also simultaneously increase the chances of up to four women getting married.

And by "empowered", we mean educationally and financially, which historically has actually been a standard for judging men by, not women, since men have always been the ones expected to work and provide for their families.

Therefore, It makes no sense for Afghanistans' government to invest resources into women's public education and careers.

Because women naturally detest being the breadwinners for their family, and especially for their husbands.

Women do not want to provide for their husbands.

When a woman works, she earns money for her own pockets.

When a man works, he's earning money to provide for his family.

Its why married men earn more than their single male counterparts.

It is in a man's nature to want to work and provide for his wife and kids. It satisfies his masculine sense of purpose, just as nurturing and caring satisfies a woman's feminine sense of purpose.

Exceptional cases do not change this rule.

In fact, women are more likely to initiate divorce after getting a promotion/ salary increase in their careers if that means they end up earning more than their husband.

They naturally prefer to be in a long-term relationship (marriage) with a man who earns more than them because it fulfills a woman's sense of security [Source].

Again, exceptions don't make the rule here.

Anymore than exceptional cases of men wanting to be stay-at-home husbands/dads makes the rule.

If you really want to empower women, then do it according to Islamic values.

Islam emphasizes marriage and motherhood for women.

So train women to be wives and mothers before anything else.

And train young men to be reliable protectors and providers for their women-folk as brothers, reliable future husbands, fathers, and uncles.

This is what an Islamic government should focus on.

And Afghanistan as a country that's just gotten out of 50+ years of continuous war and invasions has the chance to model its society according to Islamic expectations (which is exactly what it's leadership is doing).

But seeing Western Muslims, especially the Western Muslim women infected with the cancer of Feminism, trying to impose Feminist expectations on Afghanistan is ridiculous when considering so many of these women are actually miserable, over 30 years old, unmarried past their fertility prime, have no children, and are being milked for tax money by the Liberal State to fund its wars in the Middle East or fund Isra3ls military occupation of Palestine. But these women feel like they are in a better position to tell Afghans how to model their society?

Its simply laughable.

And I get that in the West some women are compelled to work due to necessity or circumstances beyond their control (and my heart goes out to them, because they're not happy to be in this situation).

But doing something out of compulsion due to circumstances while still acknowledging that it's not the Islamically ideal solution is not the same as advocating for it as opposed to advocating for the Islamic solution.

Its even worse when many of these Fembints try to twist and bend Islam, including misrepresenting the examples of the Prophet (PBUH) wives to justify their Feministic lifestyle and values. Basically changing Islam to accommodate their Feminist ideology.

The current model of the Western system that so many Muslims take for granted as the "default", including many Muslims who claim to be "traditional", is in fact a Dajjalic system that has inverted gender roles and made halal extremely difficult and borderline unobtainable for many while making the haram very, very easily accessible.

So when a Muslim government like the one in Afghanistan is actually taking the steps to mold its society along genuine Islamic values and traditional gender roles, instead of joining the kuffar in disparaging our own Muslim brothers, we should be defending them and holding the claims of the kuffar to great scrutiny because it's not like they haven't (and still don't) lie against us to justify their oppression in our homelands.