Mood swings beware

Hey y’all. As of today, I am 20 weeks on T so here’s my advice:

  1. It’s better to be overly worried about what’ll happen to you than to be too chill about it. I was too chill about it and I wish I wasn’t. I think I could’ve prepared better if I was slightly more concerned.

  2. Communicate with people. Go to therapy. Get those outlets. It’s extremely good to have a way to vent and cope through what you’re going through. That really helps for me. Even if it’s just with a friend it’s still better than to suffer alone.

  3. Most people’s will probably not be as extreme or detrimental as mine. I don’t mean to scare the shit out of you.I already have pre-existing mental health conditions where this stuff can affect me much harder than regular people.

  4. The two biggest things one can feel is irritability/anger and sadness/frustration. You need to have healthy coping skills for these things. Do not punch a wall. It’s tempting, I know. Don’t do it.

  5. Work on your communication with the people around you. Let them know if you’re in a bad mood. Try and calmly explain why what they’re doing is pissing you off. “When you blank it makes me feel blank” is a good start.

  6. You MIGHT need more help than you thought. For me, I needed to go on new medication. Be open to the help. Anything can be better than this.

  7. Keep your depression in check. Journal, it’s good for you. Don’t be afraid to call 911 on yourself if you think you’re gonna harm yourself or end it all. Mental health professionals will not judge you. No one will judge you.

  8. You will survive. This feels like it won’t end but i know i will be ok. You will be ok. I believe in you. You got this :)

That’s all I can think of. Sorry if I rambles too long.