Is Theology Wrong?

I recently been focusing on the Word, as it's my personal way of dedicating the one thing I'm good at, learning, to the Lord. Along with the Bible, I have been reading the writings of Saints just so I can see their perspectives. My girlfriend however and her father believe that in order to have a closer relationship with God, you need hands on experience like evangelizing to the homeless like they do and don't need to focus on anything else but serving God that way. I feel like they don't acknowledge my faith and the kind of personal dedication Im doing and to an extent it almost hurts a bit. Ultimately our final authority is God, but he demands I read the Bible because he wants me to be a preacher...I'm in law school and don't always have the time and I think I can still serve God through my career. Is he just stubborn or am I really in the wrong? Of course I want to help the poor and the homeless, but I have had better experiences praying and bringing the wealthy, professors coworkers, and even family who have hated Christianity dedicated to the Lord...