Xphobic/Xist remarks are not suddenly okay because you dislike someone.
Believe it or not, this isn't a post targeting those on the right. This is a direct target on the far-left. I've heard such remarks in person and I've seen it even more online over the years. These "progressives" will defend and uplift "disenfranchised" groups and say things like "elevate X voices", and will tell you that such Xphobic/Xist slurs are "never okay". This comes with a caveat: You will only be supported if you toe the party line.
If you don't toe the line, you get treated MUCH differently. We saw a certain example with a certain Jenner against recently. Far-leftwingers calling her "Bruce" because of her politics. I've seen them call Blaire White a man too. Back when a certain thing was overturned, thanks to the likes of Justice Clarence Thomas, it wasn't uncommon to see progressives call him a wide range of slurs. Some comments forwards Justice Thomas are as follows: "Clarence Thomas is a dirty p###h monkey and as a t###s w#man I'm giving every one permission to use the n word on him." // "Clarence Thomas: just another dumb field N#####." // "Doesn't the N##### realize his rights are next?" // "Clarence Thomas is still a n##### slave to his white ‘nutcase’ wife Ginni Thomas and the Supreme Court is a f###### mess."
These things are said by the same people who will gladly remind you that you're "on the wrong side of history" if you disagree with them. Such remarks are suddenly okay just because you dislike someone.