Games that make proper use of slow pacing techniques
So today, I wanted to discuss the use of slow pacing in modern games regarding the use of the concept because I noticed that some RPG series such as Tales of start off a bit slow as maybe it’s just me, but some of the modern entries such as Tales of Xillia start off a bit slow in their structure.
For those not familiar with the Tales of Xillia games, the first one starts off a bit slow in its plot as Jude is a typical doctor as things start off ordinary at first as the plot is kind of laidback until it’s revealed the local guardsmen are up to something sinister.
Sorry if that didn’t come off right, but I was trying to use that game as an example of a slow paced game that rewards its players for sticking around as it’s hard to explain, but the payoff ends up being worthy after the first few hours.
However, one thing I would like to mention is that when Final Fantasy 13 attempted to use the trope, it would end up being a negative example of the trope as unlike the aforementioned Xillia game, Final Fantasy 13 would get far more criticism for its pacing such as its core structure.