‘Richmond, BC Mailroom’ - Confusion with Canada Post Delivery to Student Housing Residence
Concerned that your package says delivered to a mailroom in Richmond, BC and provides no further tracking? Here's why!
Sharing this thread and my comment with a breakdown of the issue:
Hi there! I’m running into a similar issue with a Canada Post delivery, and I’ve called Canada Post Support, the Residence Front Desk, and done some reading to get info that might be helpful.
Some of this is covered in other comments, but here’s a full breakdown of the process.
TL;DR: Don’t worry! In most cases where the appropriate procedures (listed below) have taken place, you should get your package without too much of a delay (I’d give it about a week). Simply finding that your package has been delivered to a Mailroom in Richmond, BC is not cause for worry. Of course, more complicated issues (which I assume is what happened with OP’s first order that was never received) can take place, and you should certainly follow up regarding that.
From my understanding, Canada Post parcels often (if not always) go through Mail Distribution Centres; meaning that the delivery person “delivers” the package to a Distribution Centre, which then “distributes” the package to the appropriate address of the receiver. Sometimes, packages are routed through multiple Distribution Centres before it gets to the receiver. Canada Post has several Distribution Centres, a major one of which is in Richmond, BC.
Parcel coming to UBC by way of Canada Post may find itself in this Richmond Distribution Centre, from which it is sent to UBC’s Distribution Centre (yes, we have our own small distribution centre to streamline the process of receiving and sending mail, which tend to be a little complicated in large institutions with multiple residences/offices). From the UBC Distribution Centre (recently relocated to the Bookstore and called ‘UBC Campus Mail’ to my understanding), the package is sent to the appropriate Residence Front Desk, who take typically 1-2 days to process it and send you an email to pick it up within 3 days.
Unfortunately, Canada Post’s tracking service does not reveal all of this, and instead says that the delivery is complete once it has been delivered at the Canada Post Distribution Centre, which totally sucks.
Some additional information on accidentally inputting wrong Residence Address:
If you are a student living in Residence and have put the wrong Residence address for delivery (ex. student living in Ponderosa Commons accidentally inputs a Marine Drive delivery address during checkout), your mail will be rerouted to the correct Residence Front Desk by the receiving Front Desk. This is because the Student Housing & Community Services computer system shows all student’s current Residence, regardless of which Residence Front Desk accesses the information. This process typically takes 1-2 days, so add that to the mail processing time from the correct Front Desk, and your mail should be available to pickup within 2-4 days of the initial delivery date.