Not enough people are discussing the secret U.S. aircraft theory of Calvine

David Clarke, the guy who retrieved the Calvine photo, seems quite convinced that it shows some kind of secret U.S. aircraft:

  • In the video from Disclosure Team, from 10:40 to 15:30, he explains that he was basically told this by someone associated with British defense intelligence
  • From 7:25 to 9:05 in the same video, he says more about the claims that were already floating around at the time about American spy planes flying out of Scotland
  • Notably, he relates the info from his sources somewhat differently in this article from a year ago, saying that some sources said the military had concluded it was a hoax and ultimately himself concluding it was a hoax. Not entirely clear what changed his mind. Maybe it was the photo analysis from his colleague suggesting that the photo wasn't doctored

What do you guys think? Any helpful thoughts or useful info on this theory?

(Obligatory rant about the culture of the subreddit: I'm not convinced any particular way about Calvine right now, but it's quite annoying to see how little attention David Clarke's comments are receiving on this subreddit, compared to the evident obsession with the reflection theory. The reflection theory isn't even the consensus on Metabunk. The people at Metabunk are coming up with all kinds of ideas about the photo in this thread. The reflection theory has its own separate thread. It seems people are so wrapped up in being pissed off at skeptics that they're ignoring serious discussions about what the hell is in the photo.)