German right-wing lowkey infighting about queer families

What's also new in Gay-Fascism Land: Alice Weidel of Elon fame, AfD candidate for German chancellor, a lesbian ("I'm not queer but married to a woman I've known for 20 years.") living in Switzerland and raising two children with a wife born in Sri Lanka, has experienced indirect backlash from a female colleague. Originally, the AfD's manifesto included the sentence: "Family is the nucleus of society." There was inner-party backlash and they changed it to: "Family, consisting of father, mother and children, is the nucleus of society." But people had to further double down: Wiebke Muhsal, AfD member of the Thuringian Landtag (that's the party branch headed by the infamous Björn Höcke, whom as was ruled in court you can legally call a fascist 🗿), said, "I'm really fed up with society-dilapidating phrases like, 'Family is where children are.'" Yeah, folks, she says gesellschaftsverwahrlosend but she means degenerate, doesn't she? Anyway, Weidel publicly defended the change in the manifesto ("It's lived reality for most families") but added, "To me, family is where children are." I'm just wondering whether she will leave herself or the party will make her go within the next half decade or so. Literally all previous AfD leaders have left the party together with their leadership, suddenly 'shocked' by their parties rightward drift. Yes, I'm talking about three generations of leaders who did that: Mr Lucke, Mrs Petry, Mr Meuthen. All of them employing the SAME sudden argument after having fought tooth-and-nail against their party being labelled extremist, just years after one another.