What is a "socially acceptable" level of GR performance?

I'm reaching the point where I am one of the highest-ranked and hardest hitting members of my very casual (and friendly) guild. It's been great but I am contemplating moving up.

One thing that's deterring me is that my playstyle is eccentric, so while I do have the components for some meta teams (eg Sho + 3 AdMech) I simply don't find them that interesting. This means I'm typically doing somewhere in the range of 80-120K in raids despite being level 47. I'm probably slightly underperforming in GW as well, since I have focused hard on a small set of mostly non-meta characters.

Looking at the likes of PoH they are very hard over on using meta teams, which I can understand. How far off 'normal' is my GR performance? And do mid-range guilds consider this an issue, in your experience?

Appreciate it's a vague question but I am interested in opinions.