Is the Cena Farewell Tour going to suck?

I love Cena, but am starting to think i'm going to hate this farewell tour. Fuck outta here with this title nonsense. Have him win #17 in his last match as a sendoff

I'm afraid they're going to dick everybody around with this title chase nonsense all year, when they just focus on Cody vs ______.

I want to see stuff like he did with R-Truth and Miz last year (or whenever it was). Have a tag match as a main event for one of the PPVs, etc

Is Cody not over enough that he needs Cena's rub at WM? How louder does the "woooooooooahhh" need to get for Cody to officially be the top guy?

I saw someone fantasy book (and i like the idea). At EC, Punk beats Cena and "Punk is going to WM!" ... Rock comes out and we all think, yet again, he's stealing Punk's spot ... only to congratulate Punk and then stare Cena down and say "One more time, one last time". Rock vs Cena 3. Which is way more intriguing that Cena winning the title at WM

I am afraid they're going to have him chase the title instead of doing a proper farewell tour. Have Cena in fun matches and storylines. Peacemaker Season 2 is coming out this year, have him wrestle or tie in Peacemaker with cameos from other characters