Lying about things to get mad at?

I sat trying to reword the title, but I can’t figure out a better way to ask.

Here is what I mean…

My boyfriend and I moved in together. I sleep with a fan on. I went to work one morning, and left it on by accident. He came home and told me to make sure I turn it off. Fine. Few weeks later, rushing to work, I forgot again. He was irate and told me if I did it again, he’d cut the cord and I wouldn’t be allowed to use it again.

Now, I know people make mistakes and I’m not perfect. But he was so mad at the fan, I made it a priority to go through and make sure it’s turned off every morning. There is no doubt in my mind I didn’t check it. Because the argument is more traumatizing and I 100% will avoid it at all costs. I even recite a mantra to check the things that bother him before I leave for work.

Well last night was the second night he screamed at me for leaving the fan on since the “cut the cord” talk. When I KNOW I turned it off. I actually unlocked my door yesterday and went back in the house to double check. But he said it was on when he was home….

Then of course, when I advocate for myself he says “so you think I’m lying? Who would lie about something so stupid?” And got madder.

Sometimes I do feel crazy. Then I question if I really did check the fan…..