Getting Better (Page 4)

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Everything that is written is inspired from the game, but changed to create a story. If you are looking at this for actual things about the game, you are looking in the wrong place. There are a lot of great posts here that are fully about the game, so you should look at those instead.

I didn't play on his birthday. In fact, I haven't played for 6 months.

I REALLY didn't want to find out what could have happened on that day. After 6 months, I forgot about it, and picked up the game again. But the second I saw Filbert again, I remembered everything.

I just saw him walk past me. I didn't speak to him.

Eventually, I went to look for him, and he was inside of his house. I didn't really know what I was expecting when I went in, but I didn't expect Filbert to be talking to Teddy.

Strangely, he was happy to see me.

After a bit, we all went outside, and Teddy left.

He had... some things to say to me.

I think everything is going to be alright.