Anyone else get heartburn and bloating from starches?

I normally don't notice my acid reflux cause by avoiding starches I don't experience it. But I swear my trigger foods are just starches. Because everytime I eat starchy food, I get heartburn and awful chest pain in 15 minutes. And then I suffer all day. And if I eat starchy foods daily I end up waking up with vomit in my throat. If I entirely cut out starches my symptoms entirely vanish. Gone. Erased to atoms.

Starchy foods being: rice, bread, pasta, oats, baked goods using flour, potatoes, yams, corn, and beans. They are awful.

I can eat every other food just fine. Tomatoes? Fine. Bacon, eggs, aged salty cheese? Fine. Lemons? Perfect, my body actually responds quite favorably to lemons. Honey and maple syrup? Fine. Non starchy vegetables? Fine. Nuts? Fine.

But starches are bad.