Welcome to MoonLagoon 🌙 Come and grab some Sanrio Furniture, talk to Celeste, wish on some 🌟 sell turnips (only 180 unfortunately and shop is only open for 3 hours) and explore 🗺 ALL GIFTS ARE RANDOMLY WRAPPED AND COLOUR AND LOACTION DOESNT CORRELATE TO WHAT YOU GET🎁


🎀I will DM you the dodo code once you've commented your Island name and In game name, codes will be given out in oreder of comments🎀 🎀Please only take 2 gifts per person, also One Vist per person to keep it fair, please dont make me report people to mods for taking more gifts🎀 🎀Please dont rush me i will get to everyone as soon as i can, we all know how long the loading screens take🎀 🎀Please dont pick my flowers or dig them up, i dont mind people taking veggies or fruit though (please dont take them all so everyone gets a go)🎀 🎀More than welcome to visit my millagers to see what theyre crafting/cooking🎀 🎀If you get two of the same furniture send me a photo in DM and i will allow you back to pick another piece🎀 🎀Try not to be here for hours, everyone deserves a visit🎀 🎀I would LOVE LOVE LOVE if you could post in your comment what furniture you managed to get, it makes me so excited to see how happy others are🎀