How Many Of You Would Be Interested in a Historical AG book club?

Tomorrow I am going to the library and getting me some AG books! I am going to read all the Historical books from Kaya to Nicki & Isabel.

Would you guys be interested in a weekly discussions board that will be posted on probably Thursdays to discuss the series I read for the week?

This week I begin with Kaya’s original six books and whatever extras my library has.

These discussions will be primarily on the OG six books and the best friend stories.

I also will invite everyone to share if they would like their dolls of the featured girl for that week 🥰

So if this has enough interest I will post the Kaya board Thursday and if you want to read along with me or wait to discuss then I will be so happy to do so! Then I can connect with all the other AG adults fans who still love these girls that made our childhoods so magical 😊.