Question about spotting

My husband and I are trying for a second baby. I was using LH strips a few months back to get an idea of when I ovulated but did not use them this this cycle.

My last period ended on 10/20. We had unprotected sex on 10/21, 10/22, 10/25, 10/27, 10/28 and 10/30. The app I use predicted my fertile window to be from 10/25-10/30 (with 10/30 being my predicted ovulation day). Historically when I did test in the past my LH peak was on CD12 (this occurred 2 months in a row and then the third month I tested from CD7-CD13 and never saw a surge).

I’m not supposed to start my period until 11/13 per my app. I have never been early. There have been a few times I have been between 1-3 days late. My cycle for the last year has been between 27-29 days. This morning I woke up and had some bright pink spotting when I wiped. I put on a panty liner and within a couple hours noticed a little bit on the pad but not much. It’s very different then my normal first day of bleeding. I’ve been cramping all day. I took a pregnancy test as well today and it was negative. My question is…could this spotting be related to conception (did I test too early) or my true period? I have never spotted before my period, sometimes I will spot one day after my period has ended.

Any insight/advice/feedback is greatly appreciated!