Beef with Leo ♌️

I had a friendship breakup with a leo sun in october and she made it her mission to get revenge on me bc i exposed her for the animosity between us. after distancing myself, she went out of her way to send hateful messages to me. next thing you know, she and a virgo sun teamed up with the cancer sun man i was casually seeing to purposely emotionally manipulate me. luckily, i realized something was off. btw this whole time i had been focusing on the healthy friendships in my life and my own wellbeing.

obviously, i was really angry and hurt. but, i started finding it funny bc they spent so much time trying to put me down. it’s fan behavior and i feel so special to be their obsession lol! btw im a aqua sun, gemini moon, & leo rising!

have you experienced obsessive revenge? are people intimidated by aqua suns? have you been hated by a leo?