Isn't sexual attraction just mirous attraction with emotional attraction?

What even is "sexual interaction"? If you're barely aroused but you know your partner wants to have sex and you want them to be happy and you're happy when they're happy and not to mention your partner is objectively hot so who wouldn't say no to that, does it still count as sexual interaction? You're interacting with someone through sex.

But the logic goes the same way, can you still be asexual and still want sexual interaction? You just have limitations such as ED or vaginismus or low libido.

I'm sure I'm 100% ace because I want to have sex with someone only because I know orgasm makes people happy and I can get aroused only because that person is hot, really love me some eye candy honestly, but I have a low libido due to depression because of BPD and social anxiety that debilitate me from dating someone.

What do you think?