Damage due to grinding teeth

Hi! I am 23 years old and I started grinding my teeth once i got my braces off when i was 14. I wore my retainers for about a year but then lost them and didn’t get new ones until I was 21. My teeth have suffered significant damage. I had to have my two front teeth crowned because the bonding just kept breaking and my dentist refused to do it anymore. I have been pretty good about wearing my nightguard since I got my crowns in March but obviously i’m human and sometimes i’ll fall asleep for an hour without them and I notice damage to my teeth that surround the crowns a lot more. The teeth next to my 2 front ones(unsure of what they’re called) are basically almost gone and my canines are flat. My dentist is suggesting I get crowns on basically all of my teeth eventually but that is so expensive and insurance doesn’t cover it. I like the way my crowns look despite the fact that one’s a bit more rounded than the other but they have held up pretty well. But ive become so insecure about my smile and could use some other opinions.