Ideas for protesting/direct action as a scared, non-confrontational trans person?

I'm getting more and more fed up with the actions of the U.S. government and want to do something. But I'm also a coward who's afraid of being hurt by others and who wants to hold on to whatever privilege I have left.

I want to take action and protest the government, but I also don't want to seriously jeopardize my chance for a calm and happy future (e.g. getting seriously attacked/killed, having a criminal record, dropping out of school, risking any opportunities I have left to legally transition). I know that trying to "safely" protest or take action is pretty ineffective and not much better than whatever most people are doing now, but I don't know how to do any of the harder steps when I just want to not deal with the world and hope to live a happy life.

Any ideas for "safe" actions to screw the government over? Or advice on how to take the leap of faith and put my safety on the line?