can i get the thoughts to go away

apologies for bad grammar and english it is not my strong suit.

i (18M) have myself been convinced i am trans for about 2 years, ive told my parents they think its a phase and an autistic fixation that itll fix what feels like it wrong with me, i dont experience any major disphoria in my body but i do get euphoria when i dress femininely and look the partwith makeup behind closed doors.

i feel like as i have been surrounded with other members in community and just people in the lgbt in general it brings it up more in my mind (as if it isnt a daily thought) if i were expose myself less to all of it and just live life as a man and swallow myself in that and building a family and career does anything thjnk itd be possible to just not be trans, it looks like so much effort and i feel like ill never be happy with my transition as i am an okay looking guy with things going for me