Starting Zoloft. Should I be worried?

Back in August I was taking prozac and after upping my dose to only 20mg, I ended up having a severe mixed episode where I was hypomanic while also planning my suicide. It was one of the worst experiences of my life.

My doctor ended up prescribing me Lamictal which i’m now up to 200mg and it works great at stabilizing my depression, but I also suffer from GAD so my doctor prescribed me Zoloft. I’m only on my second day of 25mg so obviously it’s too soon to tell, but I will say that I feel fucking crazy today.

I rapid cycle and the day before I started I believe was the beginning of my hypomanic phase, but these episodes are usually so short that I assumed it was fine to start taking my Zoloft. Now though, I’m worried that taking the Zoloft while hypomanic will only make it worse. I’m sure my anxiety is partially to blame, especially after the horrible episode I had on Prozac, but idk I guess I’ll just have to wait and see. Anyways, let me know if anyone else has experienced this, especially at such a low dose.