White dots all over my nipples/recurrent clogs and milk blebs
I am just shy of 5mos PP. I have been EBFding my babe. Back in November I got my first clog that was accompanied by a milk bleb. Then in late December I was getting clogs every night for like a week (one breast would have one, then the next night the other would). That stopped and I went almost a month without one. I can’t remember exactly when but at some point in the shower I was closely examining my nipples and gently squeezing them and I noticed white dots all over them. When I would self express milk comes out of them but they look like white blisters to me.
On 1/20 I got a clog with a milk bleb. It took two days to clear. Two weeks go by, now I have another one on my left breast. When they pop up I know now that there has to be a bleb. I have been using hydrocortisone and olive oil to soak my nipples to loosen up the bleb then pop it (hardened milk comes out of the pore) Sometimes it’s really really deep and I have to pop it multiple times. I also ice and take ibuprofen when a clog starts. I am taking sunflower letchin and have been for at least a month.
I saw a LC last week who says my clog frequency is abnormal but said she felt “stumped” as to why and how to best help. Her suggestion was to possible get labs done to see if something weird is going on. She still hasn’t followed up to communicate what labs would be best. She did visually see that my LO has a lip and tongue tie but didn’t think the clogs were related to latch due to him gaining weight very well and me reporting that he drains me well (although he has other feeding issues like lots of gas, gulping at times and spits up a lot). I am seeing an OT next week to assess the function of his mouth and do possible body work as I do think he has some tension.
At this point getting the recurrent clogs are really affecting my mental health. When they pop up all I can do is focus on clearly the clog and it’s so anxiety provoking. I want to continue breastfeeding as I love the bond I have with my little guy but getting a clog every other week is exhausting. I suppose I’m just venting but also looking to see if anyone else out there has experienced anything like this? Did you find a solution? Do I just wait to see if things get better? I’m at such a loss and just feeling really sad and defeated right now.