Mike Reynolds Bitchfest Outside of City Market
Around 6pm this evening, Mike got someone to buy some food and wine for him from City Market downtown... upon delivery of said goods, he started yelling about how he's been banned from City Market and every other place within 4 square miles. Adding how "misunderstood" he is. And how "nobody gives him a chance". That started a yelling match with a small horde of characters over across the street in the parking lot at the Mobil station, with threats being hurled across South Winooski Avenue.
I was headed home on foot and didn't stick around to see the aftermath of the verbal volley but I do know that Mike crossed the road to head over to confront the group gathered in, on, and near Center Street and in the Mobil lot, hurling a lot of F-bombs and racist slurs.
The latest theory is that he's given up on getting jail time and might have a death wish. I don't see this ending well for Mr. Reynolds, and/or anyone in his immediate vicinity, if that is the case. It does feel like something shifted and he is even more unhinged and much more reckless (deperate?) than usual.