Just finished Calc 1 and somehow passed with an A. I start Calc 2 in just over three weeks. Any resources to review and refresh algebra and trig topics most used in Calc 2 would be appreciated.
My weakest point has always been trig. I hadn't taken a math class since 2008 before starting an 8 week summer Calc 1 class. The last class I took was a Precalculus Trig course that I barely passed. The teacher back then was really poor at explaining topics. Any videos or series to get more comfortable with trig would be great. I know I make simple mistakes with my algebra as well.
I'm grateful that the professor for the calculus class at my college is really great at explaining everything. I really enjoyed Calc 1 and found integrals to be fun. Derivatives for the most part didn't trip me up except when they had multiple trig functions in them. I'm still riding a high from making a 100 on my final but I want to go into Calc 2 with confidence. I want to be able to grasp what I'm learning and why. Everyone says Calc 2 is the hardest. I work and go to school full-time so I have to balance all of that. This upcoming semester is going to be difficult without a doubt and I want to remove any unnecessary difficulty caused by my lack of stuff I should already know.
So any suggestions on what to brush up on? Playlists, series, websites? What helped you get through Calc 2?