So lately I’ve seen some confusion about what PEM is
And yesterday outright denial of certain symptoms being part of ME because “PEM is what makes the ME diagnosis”.
So I thought it’s important to remeber that PEM is not being “super tired” but rather a multisistemic failure when we overexert ourselves, and to post this chart that I saw making the rounds again this morning.
All of the symptoms that can flare up during PEM. May help people a bit. Also there are missing symptoms, but it’s the general idea.
So lately I’ve seen some confusion about what PEM is
And yesterday outright denial of certain symptoms being part of ME because “PEM is what makes the ME diagnosis”.
So I thought it’s important to remeber that PEM is not being “super tired” but rather a multisistemic failure when we overexert ourselves, and to post this chart that I saw making the rounds again this morning.
All of the symptoms that can flare up during PEM. May help people a bit. Also there are missing symptoms, but it’s the general idea.