Beat my first civ 7 game

Wanted to tell the story of my first game, Played all default setting just to get a feel for the gameplay loop the first go around and it was a super enjoyable experience.

I chose Augustus of Rome for the antiquity age and I spawn near the ocean and explore my surroundings to find Machiavelli to my west and Himiko to my east. I build a friendship with Himiko as I slowly build myself to take on Machiavelli. I take out some villages, settle a town in the middle with Uluru being the first natural wonder I find and begin my march to Athens.

But before I declare war with Greece, Greece declares war on me! And they have troops all up in my business while still trying to get my army healed up from taking out the villages, but luckily he kept his commander vulnerable (an AI bug right now) and I’m able to capitulate his hoplites with my legions while they’re surrounded and they start retreating when Confucius comes in to declare war in my south too but is too far to do anything so I ignore it and finish off the one city Machiavelli and take his capital with his coast to the west.

My empire is already in great shape now with a town in the north and our army is rolling so now i want to take on Confucius for declaring surprise war on me earlier but we needed to grow first. After a few turns of peace were ready but the crisis begins and it’s the barbarian invasion which is ok for me since it’ll give me xp for my commanders and we do just that.

Now Himiko’s capital is right next to mine but I decided early I wasn’t gonna tackle her till the end so I can just keep my ally close and get all the benefits of an alliance until it’s just me and her which turned out to be the best move since she was pissed at Confucius as well and we declare war on him together. We conquer our south over a long campaign and a commander dies in the process but he gets revived eventually. I wish we could name commanders cause you really keep them for the whole game and this dude becomes a legend after his first brush of death. Once Confucius was mine we headed to the exploration age

I’ve realized through playing that the legacy paths are less important than we like to think. They’re more like a set objective that will lead you to a golden age but you don’t really need to do this until the modern age and you can do just fine. We settle towns on the west coast and let Himiko settle the east islands. We meet the Jose Rizzal and strike up a friendship over hating Isabella, and considering we’re Spain we want to prove ourselves as the REAL Spain. Now while the island settlements are cool, I really wanted a settlement in the other continent and our first one is Madrid. I however didn’t bring any troops to aid it for some reason and there were hungry city states who wanted to rape and pillage it so I’m rushing my commanders across the coast to help and buying archers to buy time while it struggles to stay alive against pike man. We some how manage to at the last second get our commander in in time to take the barbarians out while Madrid was on its last legs one hit from death and I can’t imagine the feeling of joy the citizens of Madrid had seeing our troops ride in and take out the trash when all hope seemed lost. (This was my favorite moment of the game).

After sacking the villages who tried to conquer Madrid we settle more towns in distant lands and in the home continent to grow our empire. We eventually find ourselves with a ton of troops on the distant lands now and we still have our grudge against Isabella and rizzal offers me to go to war with Isabella with him and I take him up on that offer. We cruise through but Mr steal yo girl, steals my CITY! I had all my troops taking it and I just didn’t have the movement to take the city with all the districts and people down and his one troop takes the capital and I immediately get my get back and declare war on him!

Now no one really at this point could stop my army, we just kept growing and growing and even with a ton of cities were able to divide and conquer his side of the continent but before I do we get hit with the modern age. I neglected talking about the plague because it didn’t affect me since all my troops were in the distant lands away from the capital who couldn’t wash their hands. Now in the modern age, (I chose Japan) my troops get free upgrades and we steamroll through Rizal and his pitiful army leaving us just with Himiko.

Now Himiko was smart enough to realize we were devouring everyone and began building an army, and with most of my army in the distant lands I knew we had to regroup and get ready for the biggest war yet. We set sails in our command bundles and make it back to the motherland and start laying our troops along our border with theirs. She has plenty of cities and island towns so my strategy had to be multi-pronged in order to divide her attention. Take the capital in the south, split the north and central city troops and have our ships come from the southwest along the ice sheet to make it to the east coast and buy my Japanese ships to take the island cities during my war. While I’m getting everything set up my south army is hit with a blizzard which delays my efforts and buys Himiko time to build more. Now with the easy AI they don’t build many walls luckily so while she did have a lot of troops I had to go through, once I did, the city defenses were pretty easy to get through. Our south army takes the capital, our southern ships conquer one of their towns and my Japanese ships are hitting her island cities hard while my mid army is just trying to kill troops and stay alive while the south army can regroup. We get done with the south and just work our way up and finally take over our home continent. Now it was just clean up with my ships to take the rest of her island towns and we got our selves a civilization 7 fatality. Finishing everyone off in the glory of Augustus for our first win! I can’t wait for tomorrow to do this all over again with a harder difficulty with more enemies and a different leader and civ.

Thanks for reading if you made it this far!

P.s if you don’t like this post, idc, this was just for me so I can remember how my first game went and talk about how a game of civ 7 goes for people who aren’t NZ Xbox gamers.