Possible stupid question: If the physicalist view of the universe is correct and we are comprised of nothing but matter, and the matter we are comprised of changes across time, how can there possibly be a stable experiencer of consciousness across time?

Hello everyone,

I have asked a similar question in another sub but I was guided in the direction of personal identity, and while I learned some things, I don't believe it addressed the question I am interested in.

I am unsure if my question may be more related to the hard problem of consciousness or the mind-body problem rather than personal identity as I am not sure it is precisely numerical identity I am interested in.

To give you an idea of what I mean by "the experiencer of consciousness" although I think the definitions speaks for itself. It is the thing that actually experiences qualia, although I am more than happy to revise my definition if there is a better one.

The title essentially says it all, if the universe is merely physicalistic, and we are made of nothing but matter, and the matter we are comprised of changes across days, weeks, months, and years. How can there possibly be a stable experiencer of consciousness across time? Isn't it possible that as the matter changes the experiencer would change in to another experiencer? Or is the source of the experiencer of consciousness the pattern in which the matter is arranged as opposed to the actual individual atoms that comprise it? Then what happens when the pattern of the arrangement of matter changes, does the experiencer change? Are we the same experiencer we were years ago? Again I don't believe my question is related to numerical identity.

I have used a half-baked analogy of a waterfall in the past. Is the experiencer of consciousness similar to a waterfall in that although the cascading of the waterfall (all of my characteristics) remains present, the water molecules which flow through the waterfall (the experiencers of consciousness) continually change? I don't actually believe this but I don't have an articulated defence against this line of questioning. I am more sold on the idea it is the pattern in which the matter is arranged which produces the experiencer of consciousness, although I believe that idea is shaky as what happens when the pattern of arrangement changes?

I would also like to mention that I am a physicalist, I am just curious as to whether this problem has been addressed before. Some religious people would maintain that it a soul that is stable across time but I don't believe in such a thing.

I would love if you could point me in the direction of any intellectuals who have discussed this idea before.

I am not making this post to proclaim myself as correct I am genuinely looking for an answer. My question may seem strange but it is sincere.

Any thoughts or opinions are appreciated.

Edit: Wow we are getting a fair amount of diverse opinions, folks. I am sure the argument is wrong I would just like to know why.

Edit: To be clear I am not only asking if the character of experience changes as of course it does. I am asking if there are literally multiple experiencers across time much like there would be between multiple different people.