Little rant about the past wave of posts from mainly US-citizens
The past years and especially months, there have been so so many posts by US-Americans looking to expatriate because of the obvious reasons (politics, lack of universal healthcare, the general culture they dislike etc.).
I wanted to write a few things regarding the "main" problems I see with most of these posts:
- A total lack of research in many posts
- Often failing to misunderstand what is actually wanted and why
- A big discrepancy in regards to what life as an expat is like
- The actual possibilities of becoming an expat
Please note that I am basing this post mainly on the typical expat requests by US citizens since this seems to be the most common post these days so not everything applies to everyone
For number one:
Please, please do research before posting. There are so many forums and experiences from people that have actually managed to expatriate, no matter where they are from, what citizenship they hold and where they are going to.
You have to figure out where your passport can get you a visa.
You have to figure out what skillsets/degrees/etc you possess that will make it easier to obtain a visa.
And mainly you have to figure out where you want to go. This I am basing on the last comment of /u/cr1zzl . Yes, a post asking for what you should do, where you should go and how this can be achieved will get answers from many of the nice users on this sub that have experience. But please do reserach and provide everything there is to know about your situation and your plans before posting to make it easier for everyone.
For number two:
What do you expect from living in another country? What does the country you want to go to has to offer that your current country does not? A few examples:
The US does not have universal healthcare. This is definitely something great about many countries and I understand.
You hate your current president and the political climate of your country. I do, too, find politics in the US a bit ridiculous. But please bear in mind that many countries in the world and also in western Europe have seen a huge increase in right-wing parties over the last years. No matter if Germany, Italy, Spain, the UK, Poland, right-wing parties and populism is on the rise and at a fast rate.
The cost of living is so expensive and I pay a ridiculous amount of money just for rent. I am German and have lived in Spain for more than 4 years. Wages in Germany are way better but the cost of living is way higher. If you pay more than a third of your wage on rent, expect to do so in other countries too. Earning 3.000€ a month while paying 1.000€ a month for rent, in the end, should leave you with more savings since you overall earn more money.
True, in Spain rents are lower (although have been significantly increasing as well) but you earn a lot less money which at the end of the month also leaves you with fewer savings. In many big cities, a big amount of your wage will go to rent and cost of living. In the end, the people I meet from richer countries always tend to have significantly more savings, are able to afford nicer holidays etc.
For number three:
Life as an expat is different for everyone everywhere depending on the circumstances. If you want to move anywhere, learn the language and get a job. Do people speak English in most western countries? Yes. Are there jobs for English speakers? Some. Almost all expats in Spain I know that only speak English are teachers. This means horrible pay and no longterm contract. Yes there are cities like Berlin where you have tons of startups and they actively look for English speakers. But again, the pay is mostly shit, so are working hours and you get to compete with locals that are highly educated and fluent English speakers.
I live in Spain, speak good Spanish, fluent English and German but am still really limited as to what jobs to do. Do you know how high unemployment rates are in many european countries?
If you speak the local language and have a degree and experience in something sought after like the STEM fields, go for it, you will have good chances at finding a job that is even paid good. For the rest please weigh your pros and cons.
Now we come to the actual part of living: If you don't speak the local language you will have a hard time integrating. You will hang out with other expats most of the time because locals have their friend groups established for decades. Some countries are easier than others but this is generally what it is.
You will have enormous problems with public offices since they do mostly not speak English. You won't be able to communicate with doctors and will pay extra money for services in English. I read posts everyday on Facebook in my local expat group from Americans asking for translators, doctors that speak English etc. And in the end many resort to private healthcare which kind of beats the purpose of going to a country with universal healthcare no?
Most images you get from the internet or holidays in Europe do not represent everyday life. I moved out of Madrid because the pay was shit, rent insane and lifestyle resembles that of pretty much any big wester city there is. You won't have Paellea and torrero fights in Spain, beaches everyday in Greece or Italy or Lederhosen and castles in Germany. Yes, this is a complete exaggeration I know. But please remember that just as anywhere else in the world, people spend most of their day working or sleeping.
There are many more things to be said here but please remember that the grass isn't always greener on the other side.
As to the last point:
Do you have the citizenship of the country you want to move to? Great, move!
Do you speak the local language? Great, move!
If you don't, figure out your options first. Are you able to obtain a EU citizenship from descent (is that what its called?) Do it! But do it first and then figure out if you actually want to take the step of moving.
You don't speak the local language? Take some courses and at least get to a basic knowledge level. No one is expecting you to speak the local language completely fluent when arriving (or ever) but you should be able to communicate in order to make life a lot easier and in order to integrate. If you are not willing to do that, you can still come but please don't expect to enjoy your country of choice for what it is when you live in a bubble with other expats.
Last but not least please remember that it is a HUGE step to leave your family and friends behind for good. Kids integrate easy and fast. Adults don't. It needs language skills and lots of effort.
I am German, I love the Spanish weather and culture, the food and the people. I have lived in 6 countries for at least 6 months at a time and I am always up to experience something new. Yet I am currently struggling both with my economic situation and with a lack of integration (I do have many Spanish friends as well as a Spanish girlfriend). If the situation doesn't get better here I am even considering moving somewhere else or back to Germany (my last resort).
As a conclusion:
I do totally understand the need to strive for something you think is better and makes you happier. But please, please do your research good, check out all your options and especially figure out if being an expat is something you REALLY want. Being an expat for 99% of the people is not working on a beautiful sand beach in southern Europe or wherever. It is life as it is in most western countries in the world. You will face so many struggles it might not be worth leaving everything you have behind. I am NOT telling you not to become an expat. But research and figure out what you need and especially what you are able to obtain by becoming an expat before opening another post stating "I don't like my life, where can I emigrate to".
If you have all of this figured out it's time to create a post and ask all the questions you can't find answers to simply by researching for 30 minutes.
I hope I did not offend anyone and I do not want do discourage anyone from doing what they have been dreaming of doing. But please, again, research first and most of all consider all the pros and cons and be realistic!
Greetings from sunny, (again) corona struck Spain and good luck to everyone out there.