What happened why did this happen what can I talk to who about to make it better?

I have a hole in my eye it’s like it’s been scalped bald I mean it’s pretty clear will it grow back? is an allergy to the stickies to the glue I had on after or the glue from pulling lash extensions out, this didn’t look like that a couple days ago and the last extensions have been basically gone for most of the week could of this related to the tech have to do with the tech not putting them in right? I just don’t know what to do.

I have a hole in my eye it’s like it’s been scalped bald I mean it’s pretty clear will it grow back? is an allergy to the stickies to the glue I had on after or the glue from pulling lash extensions out, this didn’t look like that a couple days ago and the last extensions have been basically gone for most of the week could of this related to the tech have to do with the tech not putting them in right? I just don’t know what to do.