Need Help! Facebook Keeps Rearranging the Order of Photos in an Album Upload
Can anyone help me fix this issue? I have a group of 133 photos from a recent vacation that I want to upload to a FB album. I have been struggling for days to get it to work and am giving up. Every time I upload them, they all load in the preview screen in the correct order but when I post, it randomizes them. They are in the correct order by file name (001, 002, 003) and I have tried both options within the facebook uploader (both drag and drop and order by oldest to newest). I have also tried clicking the "order by time and date" option which just assigns all the photos the current time and date but that does nothing. Interestingly, they are uploading in the same random order each time but nothing about the photo's metadata or file name make sense for why it's picking that order. I am using a Mac and the photos were exported from Apple Photos on the desktop to a folder in Finder with the files in the correct order by filename. Please help!