Help with Designing a Tank
Tank Designs I was Considering
Here are two tank designs I was thinking of implementing. I am fairly new to the hobby and would appreciate some feedback!
THE 30 GALLON I’m actually pretty proud of this idea because I think it would be a pretty awesome tank. I have tons of filtration on this tank so I’m not concerned about bio load. These are all pretty docile fish to my knowledge and my thought is that they will all encourage each other to spend more time out in the open. But, in any case I have decorated the bottom with cholla wood, pots, and fake plants (I don’t like dealing with rooted plants). I know I also need to get some hiding space up top so I was thinking of something like frogbit or java moss on some floating driftwood. My only concern is that I don’t want the plants to take up so much space as to hide the fish so that I can’t see them.
THE 46 GALLON This tank I am a little more willing to change. I currently have a very open tank, with some big hardscape and a few upright half pots. So I can fit this tank to pretty much anything, although I do really like the rams and yo-yo loaches. The gouramis and Congo tetras are just there so that I can have a more complete tank. I was also thinking of just doing 2-3 pearl gouramis instead of the dwarf gouramis. The Congo tetras are just fish that I thought were cool and big enough so as not to be preyed upon by the rams and loaches. But really, I am willing to substitute the gouramis and tetras for anything that would be a good fit. Easy plant recommendations would also be appreciated. Filtration wise I have a Penguin 350, but I have plenty of sponge filters I could allocate to the tank.
Thank you to anyone who took the time to read this and leave suggestions! Any tips are appreciated because I haven’t been doing aquariums for long and I am really excited about these tanks!