Frigate NVR System Specs

I have been working with BlueIris for the past few years and looking to make the switch to Frigate NVR. I am looking for Frigate to do the following:

  • Record 3 streams 24x7 at 4K resolution
  • Object detection and notification through Home Assistant
  • Ability to add up to two more cameras in the future.

Video quality is important to me and am willing to pay to build a system that can record at 4K and decent framerates. If I have a security issue I want clear footage of the person and vehicle involved. My existing Blue Iris computer is old (10 years) so looking to build a new system using Proxmox. I have an existing TrueNAS server that I will keep and use for video storage.

The ProxMox server will include 2-3 other additional VMs that will host

  • Home Assistant
  • Nextcloud, Plex

My proposed specs for the system are

  • Core i7 14700K
  • 64Gb RAM
  • Nvidia Geforce RTX3500 (dedicated to frigate by PCI Passthrough) Supports video encoding
  • Google Coral (My understanding is that this is for object detection)

Am I missing anything here? For the most part I do build my systems that are more powerful than current needs as I keep my systems for 10 years.