Hitman Ch 100

I recently read suzuka and then fuuka. Both were just absolutely amazing. The facial expressions and plots along with the artwork got me hooked. I finished both of them in 2 days. So, when I found that the same author also has other popular works like hitman, I started reading it. It's definitely its unique manga. Can't say it got me as hooked as fuuka but it's still very interesting. I've read upto ch 99, but can't find the next chapters, are they not available anywhere or are they being translated? gorigoriscans also had its last post in the community around a year ago about ch 99. has it been dropped from being scantalated? if yes why?

P.S. sry if the post is somewhat long and is a little wrong at parts. it's my first time writing on reddit and that too about manga no less, compelete noob at this :)