I’m leaving the subreddit.

Because it turns out I’ve been a woman this whole time! :)) I originally identified as genderfluid for about a year or two, but after doing some more reflection about myself, I came to the conclusion that being a woman makes me feel so much happier and more confident! It just feels so good to fully express who I truly am. I felt limited to how I could express myself back then but now I’m more confident than ever! I also realized just because I like to dress a more masculine and more of a tomboy style, it doesn’t make me any less of a woman. I’m beautiful just the way I am! I feel sad leaving you all, but I think it’s time to start my new path as a trans woman. I actually found out almost a year ago that I was trans but this year has just been so busy I didn’t have time to post this sooner. To those who responded to my previous posts, I thank you all for your incredible support and being there to listen and understand me! It means the whole world to me! :)