You can gift cars a deadpool style healing factor.
you can give any vehicle you want infinite regenerative capabilities, meaning any damage or wear will regenerate to whatever condition the vehicle was in when the effect was applied over the course of up to 48 hours. the vehicle will take damage normally and will simply regenerate when left parked, meaning things like crumple zones and airbags will all function normally.
The vehicle will regenerate minor damage very quickly, while a complete totaling that would render the vehicle completely permanently inoperable will take the full 48 hours. if the vehicle is split into multiple pieces the largest piece will regenerate, and the other pieces will magically disappear as they regenerate on the main chunk. it will also never require new fluids or even fuel, simple regenerating them to the level they were at when the power was used upon parking the vehicle for at least 30 minutes.
The power can be removed and reapplied at any time to allow for upgrades or changes.